When you are faced with an onboard emergency, the last thing a Master needs is to contact a list of people to assist with the incident. SeaSafe will swiftly respond to any SSAS alert received.
The SeaSafe Service
In the event of an emergency communication being received either as a genuine alert, test, drill or exercise by SSAS, email, SMS or telephone, the watch keeper will immediately conduct the competent authority procedure in accordance with the flag state guidelines and technical management company’s policies and requirements.
The Team
The marine operations room is manned 24/7/365 by former mariners with Worldwide front line experience of commercial shipping, superyacht and Royal Navy Operations. Each watch keeper is qualified, experienced and knowledgeable in crisis response, maritime security analysis, maritime crime and counter piracy operations.
Enhancing Maritime Security
SeaSafe’s team works closely with all organisations involved in the safety and security of ships and personnel. We advise on methods of using security services and networks to comply with the Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS) and Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) safety and security requirements for vessels at sea.
At a Glance
Contact us with your requirements